Our Company - GeoPark

Our Company

We are a leading independent E&P company positioned across Latin America, one of the world’s richest and most underexplored hydrocarbon regions. A clear set of priorities and key values have driven our ground floor start-up through a two-decade track record of consistent growth, superior ESG performance and strong value delivery.

Track Record and Key Milestones

CAGR 10%

Oil and Gas Production

+4,7 MM



2P RLI (D&M 2023)


mmboe 2P reserves


mmboe net produced


Drilling success rate
GeoPark operated wells (2006 – 2023)


Reduction in D&C

And operating costs since 2012


bn 2P NPV10 value created
(After Tax – 2023)

10.6 kg CO2e/boe

Scope 1 and 2 ghg emissions intensity index, 18% less than 2022


Barrels of oil spilled per million barrels produced


of employees have variable remuneration linked to water and climate change KPIs


of employees own shares in the company


Job opportunities generated in our value chain


of social and environmental investment focused on rural areas


of the executive team are women

Our Founding Values

Since day one, we designed an Integrated Value System that ensures safe and responsible operations and creates mutual respect and collaboration with the communities and the environment around us. We live by this set of values that we call SPEED - Safety, Prosperity, Employees, Environment and Community Development - because we cannot control all the factors that impact our industry and our Company, but we can control who we are and how we behave.

Our Business Model

Having full capabilities across the entire value chain of the E&P business in Latin America is our enduring competitive advantage. Meeting the energy needs of a growing population while contributing to the energy transition requires us to be best-in-class oil and gas finders and operators, to manage our assets in the most ethical and sustainable way, and to continue creating long-term value for our shareholders and all our stakeholders.

Best & Smartest Oil & Gas Finders

We use our brain power, experience, creativity and discipline to find and develop new oil and gas reserves, based on the best science, solid economics, and our ability to take the necessary managed risks. Learn More

Cleanest & Kindest Hydrocarbons

We aim to have the cleanest and kindest hydrocarbons by minimizing the impact of our projects on the environment, to make our operational footprint cleaner and smaller, and to be the neighbor and partner of choice by creating a mutually beneficial relationship with the local communities where we work. Learn More

Safest, Lowest Cost & Most Efficient Operator

We work opportunely to be the safest, lowest-cost producer, with the necessary know-how to profitably drill, produce, transport and sell our oil and gas. We have the drive and creativity to find solutions, overcome obstacles, seize opportunities and achieve results. Learn More

Consistent Free Cash Flow & Value Delivery

We create consistent stakeholder value through disciplined capital allocation, rigorous and comprehensive risk management, self-funded and flexible work programs, capital and operating cost efficiency, maximizing the value of every barrel, expanding scale, protecting the balance sheet and returning tangible value to our shareholders. Learn More

Commitment & Culture

Build a performance-driven and trust-based culture, based on our SPEED Value System, protecting our communities, employees, environment and shareholders to underpin and strengthen our long-term plan for success. Learn More

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Our Culture