Corporate Governance - GeoPark

Corporate Governance

GeoPark’s highly experienced and independent Board of Directors provides robust oversight of GeoPark’s proven management team.

2023 Performance Highlights

Board of Directors Independently Chaired by a Woman

66.6% of our Board members are independent

98% participation of directors in Board meetings

SPEED Committee the highest-level instance for Sustainability decision making

1 Diversity Policy for the Board of Directors

100% of Board Members Know our Anti-Corruption Policies and Procedures

Independent Ethics Hotline

Zero cases of confirmed corruption

high standard of excellence

We are committed to our Corporate Governance Practices

At GeoPark we are committed to ensuring that our corporate governance practices reflect the high standard of excellence we strive to uphold throughout all parts of our Company. As GeoPark has evolved, we have continually worked to ensure our Board and governance are aligned with best practices in Latin America and across our industry.

Our fit-for-purpose Board has set the Company’s strategy, made continuous improvements to its governance profile and worked to protect the interests of all shareholders – remaining focused on our goal of Creating Energy For Life.

For more details see our SPEED/Sustainability Report.