Climate Action - GeoPark

Climate Action

No issue is as relevant for the oil and gas industry than ensuring access to critical energy sources while curbing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting global warming. We reduce the emissions in our operations through powering our fields with renewable energy, further increasing energy efficiency and permanently improving facilities and processes.

Our Commitment to Reducing GHG Emissions
In 2021, we announced a GHG emissions reduction strategy covering short, medium and long-term initiatives. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity from GeoPark’s operations in 2023 was 10.6 kg CO2e per barrel of oil equivalent, 18% less than in 2022.
Our Commitment to Reducing GHG Emissions

Our Goals

We will continue reporting progress towards our emissions reduction goals using GRI, IPIECA and SASB standards, alongside other relevant methodological frameworks.


Emissions intensity reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025


Emissions intensity reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025 and 2030


Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2050 or sooner

Highlights of our Emissions Reduction Strategy

Measuring GHG Emissions
The first step in managing GHG emissions is building a baseline. Since 2017, GeoPark has certified the greenhouse gas inventory of its operations in Scopes 1 and 2 in Colombia, through the ISO 14064 standard of the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC).
Adapting to climate change
The consequences of climate change have the potential to affect all our stakeholders, and our operations too. To move ahead on adaptation, in 2022 we undertook an exhaustive process of identifying risks associated with climate change and the energy transition.

Based on this work we have developed a plan to manage climate-related risks, considering different future scenarios encompassing critical risks as well as key opportunities related to climate change.
Adapting to climate change

For more details see our SPEED/Sustainability Report.

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