Health & Safety - GeoPark

Health & Safety

At GeoPark we foster a culture of self-care based on the best international practices.

2023 Highlights

0.0 LTIR

Employees* Lost time injury rate


0.53 LTIR

Contractors* Lost Time Injury Rate

0.0 TRIR

Employees* Total Recordable Injury Rate

0.75 TRIR

Contractors* Total recordable injury rate

0.1 MCVR

Motor Vehicle Crash Rate


10.4 MM

Hours worked by employees and contractors


Number per million hours worked

*Under guidelines from the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers – IOGP

In Colombia, we have an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (EMS) certified to the ISO 14001:2015 standard that is based on our Commitment to Health & Safety, and guides our performance and allows us to identify, prioritize and manage risks, strengthening a culture of prevention and continuous improvement in our processes.
Safety Programs
We promote several programs and tools to preventively manage social environment risks and promote safe behavior.

These include:

< Proactive Observation Program (POP)
POP allows us to channel efforts into preventive management that encourages the identification of safe and unsafe behaviors and conditions in all operations, with the active participation and leadership of employees and contractors. POP follows a simple three-step cycle: observe, intervene and record. Through this we define methodology to identify hazards, act and monitor the behaviors and conditions observed.
< Authority to Stop an Activity (ADA)
ADA is a risk prevention and task assurance tool that gives all GeoPark employees and contractors, regardless of their position or duties, the power and responsibility to stop whatever activity they identify as unsafe or that has the potential to become an unwanted event.
< Safety Operational Standard Program (SOS)
The Safety Operational Standard (SOS) is applicable to all our operations and is based on legal requirements and industry best practices. It consists of practical and easy-to-use guides for preparing and executing high-risk tasks and can be implemented by any employee or contractor.

For more details see our SPEED/Sustainability Report.

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