Human Rights - GeoPark

Human Rights

At GeoPark, we promote and respect internationally recognized human rights, such as those included in the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, ILO Convention No. 169, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Public Commitment
Signed at the highest level of the Company, our Public Commitment establishes the roadmap to develop energy responsibly and sustainably, in line with the highest social, environmental, and corporate governance standards, establishing relationships with all our stakeholders based on treatment with respect, dignity and equality, and without discrimination of any kind.
To act with respect for human rights, we follow standards that include the analysis of risks and impacts on human rights, relationships with stakeholders, complaints and grievance mechanisms, corporate social responsibility, reporting and information, and the mitigation of environmental impacts.

We have voluntarily used public standards that allow us to strengthen our commitments, processes and procedures:

Processes and Procedures

The management of our environmental and social related processes is aligned with the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standard No. 1, as is our procedure for acquiring land and easements — Manual for the Management of Oil Easements — which follows the IFC Performance Standard No. 5.

Our Guidelines

We are committed to the fight against corruption through alignment with the Global Compact, our Ethics, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy codes, and our Anti-Bribery and Corrupt Practices Compliance Program.

Due Diligence
All our actions, projects and operations are developed with due diligence in Human Rights.

We do it through:
< Identifying and Analyzing
Identifying and analyzing the potential or actual impacts of our operations and actions
< Operating and Acting Innovatively and Responsibly
Operating and acting innovatively and responsibly to prevent and mitigate negative impacts, and to enhance positive impacts on human rights
< Integrating Information
Integrating information on the social environment, particularly the concerns of our stakeholders in the territory, into our impact analyses
Identifying and Analyzing
In 2021, with the support of Colombia's Ideas para la Paz Foundation, we carried out an analysis of risks and impacts on human rights, based on consultations with internal and external stakeholders in the territory and on public information.

We publicly undertake efforts to repair the effects or negative impacts on human rights that could not have been prevented and mitigated through due diligence processes, and that are a direct or indirect consequence of our operations or those of our suppliers and contractors, provided that they complied with our commitments and processes.
Identifying and Analyzing

Human Rights in Action

Supply Chain

We include clauses that oblige all our contractors and suppliers to adhere to our Public Commitment to respect human rights.

Community Engagement

We respect the right to the informed participation of all our stakeholders, particularly our neighbors.

We have a complaints and grievance mechanism called Cuéntame, through which we invite you to contact us.

We carry out prior consultation processes in accordance with national regulations and international standards and treaties.


We respect the environment by promoting strategies to minimize the impact of our operations on the environment.

We integrate communities in the processes of consultation and environmental decision-making.


We establish relationships with all our employees based on treatment with respect, dignity and equality, and without discrimination of any kind.

We promote gender equality, inclusion and diversity, eliminating barriers that prevent the growth of all.

We implement the top health and safety standards to promote the well-being of our employees and contractors.

We firmly believe that participation in multi-stakeholder initiatives is of great value in strengthening our human rights management practices. These spaces allow us to interact with companies, civil society and governments and discuss best practices and challenges in this area.

We actively participate in:

For more details see our SPEED/Sustainability Report.

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