SPEED & SDGs - GeoPark


Our SPEED Integrated Value System is the foundation on which GeoPark has been built.

SPEED Value System

Since GeoPark was founded in 2002, we have aimed to reach the highest standards in five areas that are essential to the success of our Company, society and our planet: Safety, Prosperity, Employees, Environment and Community Development. We bring these five elements together in our SPEED Value System, which defines our success, guides our behavior, and is what makes us most proud of who we are. All of us at GeoPark live by these values, which are reflected in everything we do, every day.

Through SPEED, we are:

of Choice

Our purpose is defined by some key goals: being the best and safest place to work, operating in the most respectful way toward our natural environment and being our communities’ neighbor of choice . Learn More

of Choice

We have created a culture of trust that empowers employees to develop and to share in the Company’s success. All our employees are shareholders in GeoPark. Learn More

of Choice

Since our inception, we have fueled our growth through long-term strategic partnerships with key industry participants, as well as by strategically accessing debt and equity capital markets. Learn More

Sustainable Development Goals

With SPEED as our foundation, we are focused on contributing to the UN’s 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to build a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient world.

For more details see our SPEED/Sustainability Report.

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