GeoPark gives children study kits to promote quality education - GeoPark
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Colombia – To support the education of children and adolescents in Casanare, Meta and Putumayo departments, GeoPark has given almost 4,000 study kits to its youngest neighbors at the start of the new school year.

With the support of local authorities, community representatives and the staff of educational institutions, the Company distributed the kits in eight municipalities of the three departments. Each kit had a backpack, a coloring box, pencils, exercise books, a notepad, and other materials. To promote personal hygiene and prevent Covid-19 infections, GeoPark also provided personal protection equipment.

“We continue to support the educational process of the children and adolescents who neighbor our operations. Our commitment as a Company, and fundamentally as good neighbors, is to contribute decisively so that quality education is a reality in this region,” GeoPark Neighbor Relations Leader Sergio Eugenio said.

In its aim of becoming a regional development partner, GeoPark will continue to lead this type of initiative every year to contribute to the fulfillment of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


GeoPark is a leading Latin American oil and gas exploration and production company with assets in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil and Argentina. As part of its mission to “Create Value and Give Back,” the company promotes sustainable social investment programs coordinated with the State, local authorities and communities, to promote positive change in the areas it operates in.

For more information:

Andrea Zuleta
Telephone: 3013380305