GeoPark Launches Environmental Transparency Portal to Provide Information on its Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Projects in Colombia - GeoPark
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In a digital space accessible to everyone, the Company provides detailed information on its environmental management, the progress in its commitments and the environmental investment projects it carries out in the territories where it operates.

As part of its permanent commitment to transparency and access to information GeoPark has launched its Environmental Transparency Portal, an online space where all stakeholders can access detailed information on its environmental management, how it fulfils its commitments, and its main environmental investment projects in the departments of Colombia where the Company operates.

GeoPark firmly believes that access to information is essential in building trust and encouraging communities to participate in projects in their territories, and created this new channel to offer a clear and transparent vision of the actions it carries out within the framework of its commitment to sustainability and care for the environment.

“This new information channel in which all our neighboring communities and other stakeholders can see our environmental performance in detail, underscores our commitment to Good Neighborliness and transparency. We know that clear communication and accessible information are the foundations for strengthening mutual trust and promoting responsible and sustainable development in the territories,” GeoPark Environmental Manager Fabiola Pena said.

The Environmental Transparency Portal is available at GeoPark’s Buenos Vecinos community web portal ( Users can consult relevant information on the projects that already have an environmental license and those in the process of obtaining one, as well as the Company’s commitments and strategies to mitigate the environmental impacts of its activities.

To access the Environmental Transparency Portal, click here.


GeoPark is a leading independent energy company with over 20 years of successful operations across Latin America and which has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 2014. In Colombia, it is one of the main companies in the sector. Since being founded, GeoPark’s SPEED Integrated Value System (Safety, Prosperity, Employees, Environment and Community Development) embodies its commitment to sustainability in every territory that the Company operates in.

For more information about GeoPark, see its official channels: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, the Buenos Vecinos blog and the corporate website. For inquiries, write to