GeoPark opens a Cuéntame Office in Tauramena to promote dialogue with neighbors - GeoPark
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To be even closer to its neighbors in Tauramena, GeoPark has opened an office in the municipality’s urban area, located on Calle 9 #11-74 in the Mastranto neighborhood and which will be serve the public on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:00am to 12:00pm and from 2:00 to 4:00pm.

The new office is open to the entire Tauramena community, and through it GeoPark seeks to continue strengthening dialogue with all its stakeholders in the area and encourage active community participation so that all neighbors can share proposals and ideas to promote harmonious coexistence and good neighborliness in Tauramena.

“Our new Cuéntame office in Tauramena reflects our commitment to establish direct and accessible channels that bring us closer to our neighbors and promote proactive, open and transparent dialogue,” GeoPark Nature and Neighbors Manager Aníbal Fernández de Soto said at the launch of the office. “We thank the authorities and local communities for allowing us to take this significant step in strengthening our good neighborly relations.”

GeoPark’s Cuéntame program facilitates timely and effective responses to neighbors’ doubts and concerns in the areas of operation, and offers a direct and accessible communication channel for all, contributing to preventing conflict and strengthening long-term relationships and respect for human rights in Casanare department.

In addition to the office in Tauramena, GeoPark plans to open a new Cuéntame service point in the municipality of Villanueva before year-end.

The Cuéntame program is also available through telephone and WhatsApp hotlines (+57) 3213564273 and (+57) 3134958826, and by writing to or


GeoPark is a leading Latin American oil and gas exploration and production company with assets in Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Brazil, and which has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 2014. It is the second largest oil producer in Colombia with almost 8% of the country’s total production. Since it was founded GeoPark has had an Integrated Values System called SPEED, which summarizes its commitment in five critical areas: Safety, Prosperity, Employees, Environment and Community Development. SPEED has been key for GeoPark in attracting the best talent, being the preferred partner and the best neighbor, and developing a successful, safe and sustainable operation.


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