GeoPark promotes citizen participation best practices in Colombia - GeoPark
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To promote best practices in citizen participation and dialogue in the oil and gas industry, GeoPark headed a discussion with its partners in Colombia and Ecuador to share experiences and perspectives on the importance of having open and constructive dialogue to ensure the involvement of communities that neighbor their hydrocarbons operations.

GeoPark spoke about the successful citizen participation experience that was part of the Environmental Public Hearing for the Bienparado Development Area project in Block PUT-8, which was held in the first semester this year. The Company presented its strategy, which is based on the four key pillars of community relations, communications, institutional relations and a human rights approach. The work in these areas helped to ensure the success of the process, in which more than 900 people participated actively.

SierraCol Energy and Frontera Energy also shared their experiences and contributions on similar processes, enriching the exchange of knowledge and practices.

GeoPark Nature and Neighbors manager Aníbal Fernández de Soto emphasized the importance of discussions such as these to strengthen the standards of citizen participation in the industry. He also underscored GeoPark’s commitment to carrying out rigorous processes that expand communities’ access to project information.

Discussions like this show how GeoPark and the oil and gas industry in Colombia are firmly committed to working transparently and inclusively.


GeoPark is a leading Latin American oil and gas exploration and production company with assets in Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Brazil, and which has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 2014. It is the second largest oil producer in Colombia with almost 8% of the country’s total production. Since it was founded GeoPark has had an Integrated Values System called SPEED that summarizes its commitment in five critical areas: Safety, Prosperity, Employees, Environment and Community Development. SPEED has been key for GeoPark in attracting the best talent, being the preferred partner and the best neighbor, and developing a successful, safe and sustainable operation. For more information: