Media Room >GeoPark reaches the final of the Portafolio AwardsNovember 11, 2021 Bogota, Colombia. – GeoPark, a leading oil exploration and production company in Latin America, is one of the five finalists in the ‘Human Resource Management’ category of the 2021 Portfolio Awards, the most accredited business awards in Colombia. With its good practices in areas such as equality, inclusion and diversity, GeoPark beat more than 50 top-tier companies that also entered their human resource success stories to the awards.There were more than 1,100 entries to the 2021 edition of the Portafolio Awards, of which the editorial team of newspaper Portafolio shortlisted 308 companies and subsequently determined 35 finalists in seven business categories: Contribution to the Community, Exporting Effort, Human Resource Management, Innovation, Environmental Protection, Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer Service.Winners will be announced in a virtual ceremony on Thursday, November 25, and will be chosen by a jury made up of former Mines and Energy Minister Maria Fernanda Suarez; Private Competitiveness Council chair Ana Fernanda Maiguashca; Nu Colombia CEO Catalina Breton; businessman and columnist Thierry Ways; Icesi university rector and former chair of the Cali Chamber of Commerce, Esteban Piedrahita; Ecopetrol Group chair Felipe Bayon Pardo; and Grupo Aval Corporate Marketing VP Jose Manuel Ayerbe.The Portfolio Awards were established in 1993 to highlight companies that make a significant contribution to the improvement of Colombia through their economic or academic activities.ABOUT GEOPARKGeoPark is a leading Latin American oil and gas exploration and production company with assets in Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil and Argentina that since 2014 has listed on the New York Stock Exchange. It is the second-largest oil producer in Colombia with almost 8% of total production in the country. Since its foundation, GeoPark has had an Integrated Values System called SPEED, which encapsulates the Company’s commitment in five critical areas: Safety, Prosperity, Employees, Environment and Community Development. SPEED has been GeoPark’s key to attracting the best talent, being the partner of choice, the best neighbor and developing a successful, safe and sustainable operation.SEE PDF SHARE