GeoPark, the Orinoquia Biodiversa Foundation & Corporinoquia turn La Urama green with environmental festival - GeoPark
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To preserve strategic ecosystems and promote the protection of biodiversity in Casanare department, GeoPark partnered Corporinoquia, the Orinoquia Biodiversa Foundation (FOB) and the community of La Urama to hold a territory conservation project that ended with an environmental festival to increase knowledge about local biodiversity.

The project is part of the Mata de La Urama Integrated Management Regional District (DRMI) in Tauramena, and during the three-hour event the results of this public-private-community partnership for environmental conservation and sustainable development in the region were given to the community and local authorities. Achievements included:

  1. Habitat conservation: By signing voluntary conservation agreements with 10 families neighboring the DRMI, more than 22 hectares of strategic land were allocated for the conservation of species of high ecological importance such as the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), the lowland paca (a kind of rodent; Cuniculus paca) and the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), contributing to ecosystemic protection and biodiversity.
  2. Green economic development: in partnership with APIFARMA, a beekeeping company dedicated to the production and marketing of honey, 10 productive beekeeping systems were implemented, directly benefiting La Urama families by providing them with a sustainable source of income and promoting agricultural practices that help restore ecosystems.

“Corporinoquia plays a crucial role in the protection and conservation of the natural resources of the territory, especially in Mata de la Urama. Actions like this that we carry out here reflect the commitment of all the entities involved to the protection of local biodiversity and the promotion of responsible conservation practices,” Corporinoquia’s Fabian Rincon said.

“GeoPark’s commitment to sustainable development and preserving the environment is evident in every phase of this project,” GeoPark Environmental Manager Fabiola Pena said. “We seek to give back to nature, working tirelessly to preserve and protect it. This happens through carrying out environmental projects that, like this one, seek to conserve species of wild fauna and flora, and protected areas and increase knowledge about biodiversity,” she continued, thanking Corporinoquia, the Orinoquia Biodiversa Foundation and the community of La Urama for their active participation and valuable contribution throughout the project.

In addition to this project, in the last two years GeoPark has worked hand in hand with the FOB and other strategic partners such as ABC Colombia, Somos Territorio, in a comprehensive awareness and training program aimed at communities that promotes environmental protection and fosters greater awareness of the importance of biodiversity.

Karen Perez, general director of the Orinoquia Biodiversa Foundation (FOB), highlighted the importance of the efforts, the teamwork that was part of it and the involvement of the oil industry, the environmental authority and local communities to protect more than 20 hectares of forest through conservation agreements. “This result is especially significant given the rapid pace vegetation loss in the area,” Perez said.

GeoPark will continue to carry out initiatives together with institutional partners and its neighboring communities to promote the protection of the environment in the territories where the Company operates.


GeoPark is a leading Latin American oil and gas exploration and production company with assets in Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil, and has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 2014. It is Colombia’s second largest oil producer with close to 8% of total national production. Since it was founded, GeoPark has had an Integrated Values System called SPEED, which summarizes the Company’s commitment in five critical areas: Safety, Prosperity, Employees, Environment and Community Development. SPEED has been GeoPark’s key to attracting the best talent, being the preferred partner, the best neighbor and developing a successful, safe and sustainable operation.

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