Ethics And Transparency - GeoPark



Ethics And Transparency

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As a short-term goal, a roadmap will be established to manage the material topic, including possible mitigation measures in the event that any risk materialize.


The positive impacts resulting from the ethics and transparency material topic are:

    • Improving the company’s reputation
    • Ensuring regulatory compliance
    • Promoting transparent and competitive business environments  Contributing to anti-corruption measures
    • Managing risks correctly

The potential negative impacts associated with the ethics and transparency material topic are:

    • Litigation, fines, or penalties
    • Impact on stakeholder trust
    • Loss of competitiveness versus other companies
    • Deterioration of the work environment

Ethics & Compliance

We have a compliance program that systemizes our activities that promote integrity in operations, among employees, and in elements of the value chain. This program has three components:

  1. Promoting an ethical culture: We implement training and communication plans supported by the ethical leadership of the administration and management bodies, which by example act as the main ambassadors of our values.
  2. Risk management: We address new regulatory obligations and identify situations that may affect the Company’s assets or reputation to establish policies, procedures and controls to mitigate these risks and ensure regulatory compliance.
  3. Monitoring and supervision: We implement controls, risk mitigation measures, and a monitoring system to evaluate the effectiveness of the compliance program. This allows us to take timely corrective actions and continuously improve the program.


To build trust-based relationships that respect and recognize differences, we prioritize transparency and provide timely information to our stakeholders.

  • We define an annual reporting cycle of nonfinancial information that includes our own reporting tools, indices, monitoring, guidelines and international initiatives
  • We have a virtual platform for collecting, managing and systemizing the Company’s non-financial information, allowing us to ensure its traceability, governance and reliability
  • The SPEED/Sustainability Board committee monitors the annual reporting cycle, recommends the approval of this Report and the double materiality analysis, ensuring that non-financial information and its disclosure are handled in accordance with the Company’s strategic objectives



  • Execute 100% of the compliance improvement, reporting and transparency opportunity plans made in 2023
  • Share with stakeholders the results of the double materiality analysis carried out in 2023
  • Make a roadmap of material topics and medium and long-term goals
  • Comprehensively assess the Compliance Program in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements and related international standards
  • Review and update 100% of our Compliance policies, integrating the associated best practices
  • Update the sustainability content of our website


  • Implement 100% of the activities defined in the material topics roadmap


  • To be defined in 2024 when the roadmap of material topics is made