Responsible Management Of Water And Biodiversity - GeoPark



Responsible Management

Of Water And Biodiversity

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We know how relevant nature is to the well-being of
communities and the continuity of our business, and
use water efficiently and responsibly. Furthermore,
we implement measures to protect, conserve and
restore biodiversity through managing impacts, risks
and opportunities to preserve ecosystem services and
functions in our areas of influence.


We know that water is a vital resource, and so our management goes beyond regulatory requirements for its use and exploitation. We are committed to innovation and implementing practices that contribute to rational and efficient water use and reuse, as well as guaranteeing the correct management of the effluents we generate.

Identification and management of water-related risks and impacts

During the environmental licensing stage and obtaining authorizations for the withdrawal, use and disposal of water, we carry out environmental studies that allow us to identify and evaluate potential risks and impacts and analyze water supply and the quality in each region where we operate.

Based on these analyses, we define withdrawal limits, the best disposal alternatives, as well as the management and monitoring measures that environmental authorities evaluate and approve. These measures are implemented as projects develop

Every year we assess water-related risks through environmental studies, projections from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), WWF Risk Filter Suite and the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, the EMS assessment and, in part, through our climate change adaptation plan.

Water stress

To determine the level of water stress in our operations, we use tools such as the WWF Risk Filter Suite, the Aqueduct Risk Atlas, information from ground stations and satellites, as well as official studies and decrees issued in the countries where we operate, allowing us to establish that our operations in Colombia and Ecuador are not located in areas with water stress.

Water withdrawal

Our operations extract water exclusively from authorized sources.

(CDP-W7.5) In our operations, using fresh water from surface sources is considered to have a low impact because the percentage of withdrawals of this type of resource (from rainfall, rivers, lakes, lateral borrow areas and wetlands) in 2023 was 3% of total withdrawals (not including produced water) and in no case exceeded the authorized withdrawal volumes.

Disposal and discharges

Our operations have different wastewater management methods including:

  • Reinjection
  • Discharges to ground
  • Handling by authorized third parties

Environmental authorities evaluate our water disposal methods during the respective EIA approval process for each project.

The treatment and disposal of water is carried out under the following considerations:

  • We do not make any direct discharges into surface water bodies
  • We re-inject produced water according to the authorizations we have for each project1 1 Injection is not counted as spillage in Colombia and the country does not have specific quality regulations. In these cases, monitoring is carried out for technical purposes to avoid alterations in the injection system. In Ecuador, produced water is handled by authorized third parties.
  • Where applicable, we reuse some of the produced water in secondary recovery project
  • We implement innovation projects to treat wastewater, seeking its reuse in operations
  • Iffluents that are not injected are handled by third parties for treatment and final disposal

Water Consumption

In 2023, we updated the methodology for calculating water consumption based on the difference between total water withdrawn and total water disposed of. According to this new methodology, we recalculate water consumption for previous years.

Water consumption totaled 229,307.5 m3 in 2023, a decrease of 36% compared to the previous year as a result of a higher volume of re-injected produced water.

We expect to have higher levels of activity due to the new exploration activities planned and the operation of mature fields. We are in the process of making the Integrated Water Management Strategic Plan, and its implementation will ensure efficient water use, either reducing final water consumption volumes or keeping them at almost the same levels.

Oil spills

Oil spills are one of the main risks associated with hydrocarbon exploration and production activities, and we pay special attention to preventing this type of incident that can affect soil, water and biodiversity

We have prevention plans and structured procedures that range from identifying risks to activating contingency and remediation plans, in which we work with specialist emergency care partners.

We involve the neighboring communities as overseers and guarantors of the processes to respond to these events and we have prepared actions for institutional coordination and immediate response.

Biodiversity Actions

We have defined four areas of action for our biodiversity management:

1. Green infrastructure, sustainable use and connectivity: This area lays the foundations for applying mitigation hierarchy to the planning and execution model of our operations. It integrates development with the maintenance of ecosystem services and the conservation of biodiversity

2. Conservation of wild flora and fauna species: We recognize that biodiversity is one of the most important resources on our planet, and we are convinced of the ecological benefit of carrying out conservation actions aimed at focal species of flora and fauna.

3. Strengthening protected areas: We reaffirm our commitment to not operate in legally protected areas of high biodiversity value. We work to help preserve ecosystem services and promote their conservation and consolidation

4. Biodiversity knowledge: Knowledge is fundamental for decision-making and attaining a more effective and responsible performance regards conservation and the prevention of biodiversity loss.



  • Formulate the Corporate Strategic Biodiversity Plan and define medium and long-term goals
  • Finalize the Strategic Plan for Integrated Water Management, which includes the identification and evaluation of potential associated risks
  • Finish calculating the corporate water footprint, under the ISO 14046:2014 standard • Have zero withdrawals from surface water bodies in development operations by 2025
  • Construct two wildlife crossing structures in the Llanos 34 road corridor
  • Implement 100% of the biodiversity offset actions authorized for Llanos 34


  • Medium-term goals will be defined once the Corporate Strategic Biodiversity Plan has been completed and approved


  • Long-term goals will be defined once the Corporate Strategic Biodiversity Plan has been completed and approved