Our SPEED/ESG Report is the main ESG management accountability tool for our stakeholders. It is an annual publication that reports on the period between January 1 and December 31, 2022; the same reporting cycle of our Financial Statements.

The reported figures refer to operations under our control in Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil and Argentina. This 2022 SPEED/ESG Report has the same approach of consolidation of figures that we used to prepare the 20-F Report.

This report has been prepared using the standards of the 2021 version of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) as a reference, including the annex of oil and gas sector indicators. We also include some indicators from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the sustainability reporting guide of the World Oil and Gas Industry Association to Promote Environmental and Social Performance (IPIECA).

The SPEED Integrated Value System is the framework within which we manage the issues prioritized in our ESG materiality. From this framework comes the structure of our Report, which has been organized by chapters (Our Value Generation, Our Environmental Management and Our Social Management) to guide our stakeholders in understanding the topics we report.

The verification of the Report has been made with reference to the GRI guidelines, and includes compliance with GRI criteria and with the reporting requirements of Non Financial Information of Law 11 of 2018 of the Kingdom of Spain. The assurance letter is at the end of this report.

To the extent that the Company’s data varies by business dynamics, we provide data restatements and explanation throughout this report.

Any concern, query or request for additional information about this report can be sent by email to María Luisa Villa, Sustainability Leader, mvilla@geo-park.com.